Steam Solution
Steam does heat or sterilise almost any industrial process. That’s why it’s often the first choice in so many applications around the world. From food producing to oil refining, beer making, and drug manufacturing companies, Steam is well known for delivering safe, sustainable and efficient energy.
Our team is passionate about steam. Your local engineers will use their industry know-how to find and fix problems in your steam process.
An explanation of the properties and uses of superheated steam (such as for electricity generation). Including explanations of the Rankine and Carnot thermodynamic cycles, superheated steam tables and the Mollier (H-S) chart.
If the saturated steam produced in a boiler is exposed to a surface with a higher temperature, its temperature will increase above the evaporating temperature.
The steam is then described as superheated by the number of temperature degrees through which it has been heated above saturation temperature.
Steam should be available at the point of use in the correct quantity, at the correct pressure, clean, dry and free from air and other incondensable gases. This tutorial explains why this is necessary, and how steam quality is assured.